Amigurumi Bear

bear1I posted already about the potted cactus I made as a sample for the crochet class I teach at Michaels, so here the bear which is the other option for the class.  It is cute but takes quite a bit of time, so I doubt anyone finishes it in the class.  When I made it it took a bit over 4 hours, one of which is mostly the assembly and embroidery of the face.  It turned out really cute, although I didn’t use the toast color the pattern called for since I already had the chocolate color on hand.

The pattern is made in 10 separate pieces: head, body, 4 legs/arms, tail, ears, and muzzle.  The nose and mouth are embroidered on the muzzle and the eyes on the head after the muzzle is attached.  The arms and legs are the same pattern, just stuffed differently.  bear2

Both the bear and cactus patterns were designed by Twinkie Chan for Michaels and are exclusively for people who take the class.  Your local store should be offering the class as well since it is for the whole chain in both the US and Canada.  Click the link on her name to see how she intended it to look.  I probably should have stuffed the body a bit more in hindsight.  I also opted for the standing version rather than sitting, where the legs are stuffed less and attached in a different spot.

About sysclp

I do a lot of different things. I am a horse racing photographer, I make jewelry, and I crochet. Here I will mostly concentrate on crochet. I live in Ontario, Canada, now but I am from the deep South and lived in Alabama before I moved here.
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2 Responses to Amigurumi Bear

  1. Pam says:

    Cute bear. Can you please tell me what the supply list is? I purchased the class and like to do the bear, but when I clicked on supply list it would not open. Thanks, Pam


    • sysclp says:

      You need 3 skeins of Red Heart Soft in toast, off white, and black. You will only use a small bit of the off white and black so if you have some worsted weight yarn in the right colors in your leftovers, use that. You also need an H hook, a stitch marker, and a yarn needle. The bear is made in 15 separate pieces and sewn together at the end. You won’t finish it in the class, but you will get started and learn the techniques to finish it on your own at home. It took me 5 hours total to finish it and the one lady who took the class with me has made 2 since then as she showed me photos in the store last week.


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